ஈழத் தமிழரின் அவலம் ஈ பேயிலும் (Ebay) விற்பனைக்கு வந்துவிட்டது
இன்றுகாலை பொருட்களை ஏலத்தில் வாங்கும் / விற்கும் இணையதளமான ஈபேயில் (Ebay) இப்படி ஒரு ஏலவிற்பனை பக்கம் கனடாவில் வசிப்பவரால் தொடங்கப்பட்டது. ஆனால் அதனை சிறிது நேரத்தின் பின்னர் ஈபேயினர் அந்த ஏல விற்பனையை அகற்றி விட்டனர். அதனை அகற்றுவதற்கு முன்னர் கொப்பி செய்யப்பட்ட விபரத்தினை இத்துடன் இணைத்துள்ளேன்.
அதனுடைய லிங் அகற்றப்படும் வரைக்கும் கீழே உள்ள லிங்காக இருந்தது

அதன் விபரம் பின்வருமாறு:
Tamil Sufferings for Sale
Do you want to be someone who buys others troubles and make a profit out of it? You don't have to be a superhero to do it. Just read on.
The TIME magazine concluded that the conflict in Si Lanka is the third of the top ten underreported news stories in the world. See the story here
The main reason for this depletion is the ban on media by the Sri Lankan government to enter the conflict zone. Hence, we will arrange secret interviews with some selected people in the conflict zone so that you can gain valuable insights into what is really happening in Sri Lanka. Remember, what you see in the Wikipedia and in the little available media are all evidence of truthiness controlled by the Sri Lankan state machine run by a radial Buddhist government that is supported by Buddhist monks that are powerful forces in Sri Lanka. We will arrange you to have a secret peek in to what is really happening in the north east part of Sri Lanka where a minority (Tamil) race is in the verge of an ethnic cleansing / genocide.
Consider this: Less than a thousand people died in Gaza in the latest Israeli offensive. In Sri Lanka, after the government unilaterally abrogated the ceasefire with rebels and started an all out offensive against the Tamil population in 2006 more than ten thousand people died. Altogether more than a hundred thousand died so far. This is 10% of the Tamil population. Due to recent government upper hand in the war this is more likely to increase and a complete genocide is possible. Not only that the current assault includes state of the art MiG-27, Mi-35, Mi-24, Kfir, F7 bombers, cluster bombs, bunker busters and of course multi-barrel artilleries. To cheer up the racist elements the government publicly boasted that they have conducted over 800 bombing missions in 2008 alone and that over 10,000 bombing missions have been carried out in Tamil areas so far against less than ten bombing missions using rudimentary air crafts by tamil forces. Further, secret involvements of the George W. Bush administration are yours to discover. The war zone was also testing ground for many arm selling countries such as Russia, Iran and China.
What we offer:
We will arrange interviews with twenty legitimate Tamil sufferers. They won’t necessarily be the ones that suffered the most, but they would be those that suffered enough.
Ten of them will be from parts of Sri Lanka where the Tamil lives the most, i.e., one each from the following districts: Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Mannar, Vavunia, Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Ambarai, Puttalam/Silabam and Colombo.
The other ten will be from the Tamils expatriates living abroad in India and the west – one from each of the district listed above.
50% of the sufferers will be women.
Authenticity: The identity of the sufferers and the nature of their sufferings will be supported by proofs that will be presented by them. Whenever required and possible a Christian missionary/church will issue a validation (if they have any) regarding their suffering.
You also get the complete right to use their storey as you find fit in a legally acceptable manner. In this regard you and each of the sufferer will be signing a memorandum of understanding that will give you the right to use their unique storey.
The total interviewing hours will be 24 hrs per each person over the period of one month.
Minimum bid: US$ 100, 000.00 (The price covers the meeting with sufferers via Telephone/video chat. If you want to meet them in person we will be able to make that arrangement for extra cost at your own risk)
How the money will be used: Each of the 10 sufferers living in Sri Lanka will get 5% and each living abroad gets 3% and 20% will be used to reimburse our administration fees.
Return policy:
If you find that a storey from the sufferer we present is not suffering enough we will replace him/her with another one with even higher suffering experience.
Ethical issues:
As explained earlier, each sufferer gets a reasonable remuneration. I and my friends will pay ourselves minimum wages in our respective places of residence for our efforts. The rest - if any - from the administration fee will go to a church in north eastern Sri Lanka (the churches are trying to help some suffering people there). Apart from these, if you put those stories in good use all the Tamil people that are currently suffering in Sri Lanka will benefit from it. May be you might use those in such a way to pave the way for an ever lasting solution for their 60 year old struggle. If you are interested in world peace then this offer might be for you. We do not see any other way where this sale can result in abuse as far as we all stick to the memorandum of understanding to be signed by all of us involved.
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Return policy
Return policy not specified.
Read item description for any reference to return policy.

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