333 சதுர கிலோமீட்டருக்குள் (333 sq km)
What’s the area still under the Tiger’s control?
As of January 26, 333 sq km, of which over 50 per cent is thick forest. Fairly contiguous, the largest forest cover is between two roads—A35 and A34—northwest of Mullaittivu. A smaller, thinner jungle lies northeast of the A35, extending north.
Where is LTTE supremo Prabhakaran?
Most experts feel he’s in the 333 sq km area, and they dismissed rumours that he took a boat or an LTTE plane to Southeast Asia.
Where could he be in the 333 sq km?
Most likely, experts say, in a large civilian settlement, where people are (a) willing to hide him; (b) not flee at the first opportunity; and (c) would willingly act as a human shield to him.
Wouldn’t it be better if Prabhakaran stayed in the forest?
Human settlements here are small and close to the roads. With Special Forces scourging the jungles, it’s not wise to hide there.
What is the total population in this 333 square kilometres?
Different UN estimates say between 2,30,000-3,00,000, who are his human shields.
Will the conflict end soon? What is a realistic date?
By 2009-end, the Lankan president said in December. Could now be much earlier. But Colombo can’t claim complete victory unless Prabhakaran is found, dead or alive. Till then, expect guerrilla war.
Will he be caught alive?
The man who has ordered many to bite the cyanide capsule should prefer death. Yet nobody will believe he’s dead unless his body is produced.
Why is India worried about the conflict in Lanka?
It fears that rising civilian casualties could roil sentiments in Tamil Nadu. Remember, this is an election year and the state sends 39 MPs.
What does India want done?
Colombo should initiate the political process at the earliest and jumpstart reconstruction efforts.
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